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Many years' cooperation of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry with diplomatic missions facilitates step-by-step development of dialogue with foreign partners, the expansion of foreign economic ties of Belarusian business community, helps to strengthen the existing relations and establish new business contacts, enhance the prestige of Made in Belarus brand worldwide. Traditional in this work are annual events for heads and representatives of foreign diplomatic missions within the "Kupalye" ("Alexandria Gathers Friends") holiday, meetings of the heads of Belarusian embassies with top managers of export-oriented enterprises, and Commercial Counselor Days.
The BelCCI arranges business meetings, bilateral and multilateral forums, presentations of the economic potential of particular countries and regions, business visits in close interaction with Belarusian and foreign diplomatic missions. Last year, these events largely went online, so did contacts with the diplomatic corps. But starting from the middle of this year, the gradual resumption of offline events, forums and negotiations has been observed. And the business-to-diplomats events of the BelCCI have been no exception.
On the 10th of July, the BelCCI organized the participation of the heads and representatives of the diplomatic missions accredited in the Republic of Belarus in festive events as part of the "Kupalye-2021" ("Alexandria Gathers Friends") holiday in Alexandria, Mogilev Region. This event has been held since 2013 to bring foreign diplomats closer to the economic and tourist potential of the country, the products of domestic companies, provide them with the opportunity to partake in a large ethnographic festival, get immersed in Belarusian cultural traditions.
This year, participating in the event were representatives of 19 diplomatic missions – of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bulgaria, Cuba, Georgia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Palestine, Paraguay, Qatar, Russia, Serbia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan.
The program included several events – business and cultural.
Before Alexandria, the representatives of the diplomatic missions' commercial and economic departments visited large woodworking complexes of the Mogilev Region, FanDOK JSC and Domostroenie Affiliate of Newsprint Plant RUE, where they got acquainted with the processes of plywood and furniture, frame and panel houses production.
A business briefing was held at the premises of FanDOK JSC with the participation of the BelCCI Chairman Vladimir Ulakhovich, Deputy Chairman of the Mogilev Region Executive Committee Ruslan Strakhar, Chairman of the Bobruisk City Executive Committee Aleksandr Studnev, Director General of FanDOK JSC Andrei Partyankov. The presentations of the economic potential of the Mogilev Region and Bobruisk District, export opportunities of the woodworking sector of Belarus were delivered to the diplomatic corps representatives.
As they arrived in Alexandria, the diplomats visited the School of the First President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko and local museum at the State Educational Establishment "Alexandria Secondary School, Shklov Region", had meetings with Igor Petrishenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, Leonid Zayats, Mogilev Region Executive Committee Chairman, were informed about the economic and tourist potential of Mogilev Region. The meetings and negotiations were followed by participation in the "Kupalye" cultural program and the spectacular Gala Concert.
As in past years, foreign diplomats highly praised the event, its importance for their future work, established contacts with the top managers of the enterprises they visited, as well as got vivid memories of the holiday, the Belarusian cultural traditions and hospitality.
missions with top managers of export-oriented domestic companies – BelCCI members. This event is arranged as part of the annual seminar of the heads of the diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Belarus.
The meeting took place on the 22nd of July, for the first time – in the Palace of the Republic, Minsk. Participating in the meeting were 58 heads of Belarusian foreign diplomatic missions and representatives of about 200 companies and organizations from all regions of the country.
The meeting was opened by a business briefing on the cooperation of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and foreign diplomatic missions. The briefing speakers emphasized the importance and efficiency of the joint work of the Chamber and diplomatic corps while holding the events aimed at international business contacts development and the promotion of Belarusian exports, identified the guidelines of cooperation to support foreign economic activities of domestic companies.
The BelCCI Chairman Vladimir Ulakhovich noted the great interest of Belarusian companies in the meeting. "About 200 companies from all regions of our country have sent their representatives here. These are export-oriented enterprises that need to discuss the ways how to work on certain markets. They need the advice of our embassies. In any case, we need to work as a close-knit team today. Our main task is to tap into new markets, new countries, to harness all existing opportunities and expand presence in any export market," Vladimir Ulakhovich said.
The briefing was followed by bilateral B2D meetings of the heads of foreign diplomatic missions of the Republic of Belarus and business community representatives. The negotiations embraced topical issues of B2D interaction aimed at export promotion, solving the problems that domestic companies face while exporting their goods abroad.
Besides, the diplomats visited the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange, where they got informed about the possibilities and mechanisms to export Belarusian products using exchange-traded instruments.
The meeting with heads of Belarusian embassies once again confirmed its importance for the Belarusian business community. Vladimir Ulakhovich expressed hope that the Belarusian companies and embassies will reach most-results-oriented agreements that will facilitate the promotion of domestic exports, contribute to the strengthening of business ties and relationships of friendship between Belarus and other countries and will benefit the enterprises, helping them maintain the export growth at the level they reported in Q1 and H1 of 2021.
Continuing close interaction with foreign diplomatic missions, accredited in Belarus, the BelCCI for the eighth time organized its traditional Commercial Counselor Day on September 28–29. Participating in it were heads and representatives of 32 embassies.
This year's Commercial Counselor Day was hosted by the Minsk Region, thus completing the cycle of the acquaintance of diplomats with regions of the Republic of Belarus.
On the 28th of September, foreign diplomatic corps representatives visited Slutsk Cheese-Making Plant, where they had a meeting with the leadership of the Minsk Region, the Slutsk District and the leading exporting enterprises.
The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the BelCCI Vladimir Ulakhovich, who thanked the diplomats for the traditionally high interest in participating in the Commercial Counselor Day, and the leadership of the region, district, Belarusian enterprises – for their hospitality.
Deputy Chairman of Minsk Region Executive Committee Denis Kurlenko, Deputy Chairman of Slutsk District Executive Committee Zhanna Rutskaya, senior representatives of Slutsk Cheese-Making Plant OJSC, Slutsk Meat Processing Plant OJSC, Slutsk Sugar Plant OJSC informed the diplomats about the economic potential of the Minsk Region and the Slutsk District, the capabilities and resources of the processing industry enterprises.
As part of the acquaintance with the traditions and historical and cultural heritage of the Minsk Region, the diplomats visit the "Slutsk Belts" Museum, the "Niasvizh" National Museum Complex, laid flowers at the memorial complex at the site of a brotherly burial on 14 Partisan Street in Slutsk.
Besides, representatives of foreign diplomatic missions visited "Agrokombinat Snov" agricultural production complex, held negotiations with the Chairman of the Board of the enterprise Nikolai Radoman, got acquainted with the technologies for the production of high-quality meat and dairy products.
Commercial Counselor Day 2021 continued on the 29th of September by the participation of diplomats in the work of the Belarusian Industrial and Innovation Forum.
Commercial Counselor Day is an important event for promoting the economic potential of Belarus, a country with an open economy that is looking forward to mutually beneficial international cooperation. As he addressed the diplomats, the BelCCI Chairman once again underlined that "It is always a great honor for the BelCCI to invite diplomats to visit Belarusian enterprises, regions, to present the capabilities of domestic exporters, rich cultural heritage of Belarusian people, so that Belarus will always remain in their mind a reliable partner and the homeland of wonderful people."