As a rule, the BelCCI representatives are foreign citizens holding prominent (respectable) social standing and having experience in doing business in the country of residence.

The BelCCI representative is not on the BelCCI staff and discharges its duties on a voluntary basis.

  • Your business expansion
  • Information support in economic, pricing, tax and tariff policy
  • Help in search for partners
  • Assistance to the BelCCI members in effecting foreign trade transaction
  • New forms of trade and economic cooperation
41 BelCCI representative
33 Countries of the world

BelCCI representatives

Австрия Austria Албания Albania Бангладеш Bangladesh Бельгия Belgium
Болгария Bulgaria Венгрия Hungary Германия Germany Индия India
Иордания Jordan Иран Iran Испания Spain Италия Italy
Казахстан Kazakhstan Китай China Латвия Latvia Мальта Malta
Монголия Mongolia Мьянма Myanmar Никарагуа Nicaragua Объединенные Арабские Эмираты United Arab Emirates
Пакистан Pakistan Российская Федерация Russian Federation Румыния Romania Сербия Serbia
Сингапур Singapore Сирия Syria Турция Turkey Украина Ukraine
Чехия Czech Republic Швейцария Switzerland Эстония Estonia Южно-Африканская Республика Republic of South Africa
Япония Japan

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