Отдел внешнеэкономических связей и переводов
Тел.: + 375 232 22 18 74
e-mail: ves@ccigomel.by
The ability to use the potential of more than 12 thousand like-minded people working in the global system of chambers of commerce and industry
Formalized relations with partners from more than 100 countries of the world; the opportunity to be included in BelCCI Partners section
Foreign economic interests are protected by 43 representatives of the BelCCI in 34 foreign countries; go to BelCCI Representatives Abroad section
The opportunity to participate in the work of 24 business councils; go to Business Tips section
Effective interaction with state bodies of the Republic of Belarus and foreign diplomatic missions
A team of professionals having many years of experience of organization of international events at various levels, including events with the participation of the heads of state
Access to partner organizations of the BelCCI in more than 100 countries and representatives of the BelCCI abroad is opened (sending requests, participating in events) (with the “Premium” benefit package – priority participation)
Participation in the annual meeting of heads of foreign institutions of the Republic of Belarus with heads of Belarusian enterprises (with the “Premium” benefit package – priority participation)
Participation in bilateral negotiations with representatives of foreign diplomatic missions accredited in the Republic of Belarus during the annual Trade Advisor Day (with the “Premium” benefit package – priority participation)
Participation in the work of specialized committees of the BelCCI and business councils of the BelCCI with foreign countries (with the “Premium” benefit package – priority participation)
Participation in meetings of representatives of government bodies and the business community to discuss entrepreneurship issues (with the “Premium” benefit package – priority participation)
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