A large-scale exposition and a business meeting, new contracts

№ 3, 2022

Belarus and Azerbaijan are developing strategic partnership relations, actively interacting in industrial cooperation and increasing product supplies. It is explicitly confirmed by mutual trade statistics. Last year, bilateral turnover amounted to 885.5 million US dollars. Trade portfolio was balanced, with equal export/import proportion.

Not only the delicious, high-quality and natural food products the Belarusian manufacturers have always been famous for are in demand in Azerbaijan, but also the products of mechanical engineering, woodworking, glass industry, and other fields. It was once again confirmed by the interest shown by the Caspian region residents and partners from other countries to the national pavilion of Belarus at the 27th InterFood Azerbaijan International ­Exhibition and the 15th Caspian Agro International Exhibition in Baku. 39 Belarusian producers of foodstuffs, agricultural machinery, other goods and services in the field of agro-industrial complex demonstrated their potential at the pavilion. B2B meetings were held on the exhibitions' sidelines, attended by representatives of almost all the main branches of the Belarusian industry: food production, mechanical engineering, woodworking, construction, electrical engineering, and others. The exposition was organized by the Belinterexpo Exhibition Company of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


The ceremonial opening of the national pavilion took place on May 18. On the opening day, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali Asadov visited the Belarusian pavilion. Mikhael Miatlikov, Chairman of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, met the distinguished guest. As he walked around the exposition, the Head of the Azerbaijan Government noted the consistently high quality of Belarusian products, and also expressed the interest of the Azerbaijani side in developing coopera­tion with Belarus in food production and trade.

On May 19, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Roman ­Golovchenko visited the international exhibitions Caspian Agro and InterFood as part of his visit to Baku. The Head of the Belarusian Government attended the expositions of Belarus and Azerbaijan. The issues of further develop­ment of trade and economic ties and mutual food supplies were discussed at the exhibition stands.

Participating in the pavilion of the Republic of Belarus were major food and beverage manufacturers, scientific organizations, including enterprises of the Belgospischeprom and Brestmyasomolprom concerns, Grodnomyasomolprom, MINSK  KRISTALL­ GROUP holdings, institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the State Committee for Science and Technology, and other companies.

The exposition included three stands, the largest of which was styled to look like a Belarusian city in the 19th century. An impromptu bar with tasting of unique Belarusian drinks, a coffee shop with handmade chocolate compositions and a wide range of desserts, a barbecue area with roast steaks and hot cheese dishes cooked in a raclette bowl were organized at the stand. There were spectacular pre­sentations of products with some show  elements.

The Belarusian pavilion was distinguished by the variety of products on display. The meat segment included beef meat, sausages, semi-finished products, canned food, including exclusive novelties from Mogilev, Grodno, Slonim and Kalinkovichi meat processing plants and CrocusBel company.

The dairy segment included whole milk products, cheeses, milkshakes, glazed curds, ice cream from Kobrin Butter and Cheese Factory, Molochny Gostinets, Molochny Mir companies, Minsk Dairy Plant No. 1.

The segment of confectionery products was represented by Spartak, Kommunarka, Krasny Mozyryanin, Krasny Pischevik factories, as well as Volkovysk JSC Bellakt, offering chocolate, cookies, sweets, marmalade, snacks, marshmallows, and cookies for children.

New tobacco and alcohol products were demonstrated by Neman ­Grodno Tobacco Factory and the MINSK ­KRISTALL GROUP holding enterprises.

The joint stand of the State Committee for Science and Technology demonstrated the developments of the following organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: Scientific and Practical Center for Animal Husbandry, Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry, Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs.

The Minsk Tractor Works' equipment was on display in an open area.


Such a very representative participation of Belarusian enterprises in ­Caspian Agro and InterFood international exhibitions contributed to the further develop­ment of trade and economic ­cooperation with Azerbaijan and the countries of the region. All the products presented by the Belarusian participants were welcomed with interest by potential partners – guests of the exhibition and exhibitors from other countries.

Besides, a business meeting of the representatives of Belarusian and ­Azerbaijani enterprises and organizations was organized by the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as part of the Belarusian business dele­gation visit to Baku to coincide with the visit of the Prime Minister of the ­Republic of ­Belarus ­Roman ­Golovchenko to the ­Republic of ­Azerbaijan and the Belarusian exposition.

The event, held on May 19, was attended by the Chairman of the BelCCI Mikhael Miatlikov, Vice-President of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) of the Republic of Azerbaijan Vugar Zeynalov, heads and representatives of more than 40 Belarusian and Azerbaijani companies and organizations.

During the business meeting, promising areas of Belarus-Azerbaijan trade and economic cooperation were addressed. Representatives of the two countries' business circles held talks on developing partnerships in the ­areas of woodworking, industrial production and engineering, architecture and construction, food industry, and others.

At the business meeting, 12 bilateral agreements and contracts for the supply of Belarusian woodworking pro­ducts, foodstuffs, machinery and glass items to Azerbaijani partners were signed.

The total amount of the contracts concluded by the Belarusian business delegation members at both events in Baku amounted to nearly 90 million US dollars. This is a significant result, which speaks of the effectiveness of the exhibition and business events of the BelCCI, as well as testifies to the significant opportunities and interest of Belarusian and Azerbaijani companies in mutual partnership, highlights the potential for an even more active increase in bilateral trade volumes for the benefit of the two countries' eco­nomies.

Caspian Agro is a large international exhibition in the field of agriculture. Its main sections are innovative technologies in agriculture, agricultural machinery, animal husbandry and poultry farming, feedstuffs, veterinary medicine, agricultural landscape, hotbeds and greenhouses, crop production, fruits and vegetables, flowers, cotton growing, textiles, and much more.

The InterFood Azerbaijan exhibition is held in parallel with Caspian Agro, and it is the main meeting place for the Caspian region food industry players.

This year, the participants of Caspian Agro and InterFood Azerbaijan were 450 companies from 27 countries, including Belarus, Azerbaijan, Germany, Georgia, Spain, Italy, India, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Russia, Saudi Arabia, the USA, Türkiye, Sri- Lanka, and others.