Made in Belarus exposition at the "Chemistry" exhibition in Moscow
30 October 2023

The exposition "Made in Belarus" is presented at the 26th international exhibition of the chemical industry and science "Chemistry", which takes place in Moscow from October 30 to November 2. The exposition has been organized by the exhibition enterprise "Belinterexpo" of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Participating in the exposition are ten largest enterprises of the Belarusian petrochemical industry, such as Belneftekhim-ROS LLC, Gomel Chemical Plant, Grodno Azot OJSC, Khimvolokno Plant of Grodno Azot OJSC, Lakokraska OJSC, Mogilevkhimvolokno OJSC, Mozyr Oil Refinery, Naftan OJSC, SvetlogorskKhimvolokno OJSC and Mineral Wax Plant. They represent a wide range of products, including nitrogen fertilizers, polyamide and polyester yarns, cord fabrics, polymer composite materials, industrial chemicals, lubricants, paraffins, waxes, semi-finished products, including varnishes and phthalic anhydride, paints, high-density polyethylene, acrylic fiber, oils, polyester fiber "Conjugate" for the textile industry, non-woven fabrics, strapping tape and other products.

"Chemistry" is not just an exhibition, but a platform where manufacturers of chemical products, suppliers of advanced technologies and equipment and consumers from around the world meet to exchange experience and knowledge, explore new solutions and strengthen partnerships. The exhibition event in Moscow offers a rich business program, including discussions of key issues in the chemical industry and holding events. The central event of the exhibition's business program will be the 11th Moscow International Chemical Forum with the participation of representatives of the chemical complex, relevant ministries and industry associations. Belarusian companies plan to actively participate in an extensive business program, including round tables, discussions, sessions and seminars. Besides, the conference "Purchases in the chemical industry" will be held within the framework of the exhibition to address the current issues and nuances of government and commercial procurement in the chemical industry, from submitting applications to concluding agreements and contracts.
