Obtaining an ATA Carnet

To obtain an ATA Carnet, the applicant applies to the issuing branch and submits the following documents:

  • a cover letter addressed to the issuing branch with a request to issue an ATA Carnet signed by the head (individual entrepreneur) or a person authorized by him;
  • a general list of goods in the form, in which they will be indicated in the ATA Carnet, in Russian and English/other languages (as advised by the issuing association's specialist).

  • Each page of the general list of goods is certified by a seal (if available) and signed by the head (individual entrepreneur) or a person authorized by him.

    The general list of goods is attached to the cover letter;
  • a guarantee statement (a hyperlink to a document from the second level page “Obtaining an ATA Carnet”) signed by the head (individual entrepreneur) or a person authorized by him and a representative of the ATA Carnet holder;
  • notification - an application (a hyperlink to a document from the second level page “Obtaining an ATA Carnet”) in electronic form only;
  • power of attorney (hyperlink to the document from the second level page “Obtaining ATA Carnet”), issued by the applicant to his representative (if necessary);
  • a copy of the certificate of state registration of the organization (individual entrepreneur), which is certified by a seal (if available) and signed by the head (individual entrepreneur) or a person authorized by him (at the first-time request of an applicant who is not the BelCCI member);
  • copies of documents on the basis of which goods are imported (exported) (contract, invitation to an exhibition, etc.). Each page is certified with a seal (if available) and signed by the head (individual entrepreneur) or a person authorized by him;
  • copies of documents confirming the actual commercial value of the goods (excluding VAT): waybills, invoices, price lists, other documents defining or confirming the commercial value of goods. Each page is certified with a seal (if available) and signed by the head (individual entrepreneur) or a person authorized by him;
  • a copy of the payment order for payment for the service of ATA Carnet registration and issuance.